Contact Us

“Everything we do, it’s all learned behavior, what’s all that knowledge worth? I couldn’t tell you. All I know is that I have a head full of it.“
– Alan Jones
CEO/Owner: Alan E. Jones
Cell: 941-915-8817 Email: alanejones1@verizon.net
Operations/Sales Manager: Jimmy Bezdek
Cell: 941-232-9924 Email: bezzy66@comcast.net
Farm Location: 13400 Dickey Rd, Parrish, Fl, 34219
Marketing/PR & Food Safety Coordinator: Leslie A. Jones
Cell: 941-915-9162 Email: leslie@jonespotatofarm.com
Table Potato Production Manager: Gary Taylor
Cell: 239-398-2126 Email: garytaylor52@aol.com
Farm Location: 13400 Dickey Rd, Parrish, Fl, 34219
Retail Table Stock Manager/Food Safety Assistance: Joseph Firek
Cell: 941-914-2685 Email: joeyrfirek@jonespotatofarm.com
Farm Location: 13400 Dickey Rd, Parrish, Fl, 34219
Green Bean Production Manager: Ismael Hernandez
Cell: 863-205-3646 Email: ismaelh094809@gmail.com
Farm Location: 5410 Buckeye Rd, Parrish, Fl, 34219
Chip Potato Production Manager: Harrison Jones
cell: 941-586-6459 email: Harrisonajones9@gmail.com
Farm Location: 26155 SR 62, Parrish, Fl, 34219
We are Hiring
We are currently hiring at our Green Bean Packinghouse Facility at 5410 Buckeye Road, Palmetto, Florida.
Positions Available:
– Forklift Operator
– Green Bean Graders/Laborers/Packers
If you are interested please contact:
Main Office: (941) – 776 – 8215
Ismael Hernandez: (863) – 205 – 3646
Notice to Truck Drivers: We have several farm locations. Please call in advance for specific directions.
Thank you for your business!